This is a scheduled post planned to be published at 1714086867000 at 1714086867000
The most favorable moment to seize a man and influence him is when he is alone in the mass; it is at this point that propaganda can be most effective. This is the situation of the 'lonely crowd' or of isolation in the mass, which is a natural product of modern-day society and which is both used and deepened by the mass media.

From Jacques Ellul, French philosopher and sociologist
The most favorable moment to seize a man and influence him is when he is alone in the mass; it is at this point that propaganda can be most effective. This is the situation of the 'lonely crowd' or of isolation in the mass, which is a natural product of modern-day society and which is both used and deepened by the mass media. From Jacques Ellul, French philosopher and sociologist
1714086867000 at 1714086867000