This is a scheduled post planned to be published at 1357736596000 at 1357736596000
If everyone only did what they "felt" like doing, nothing would ever get done. Some get divorced cause they don't "feel" the love anymore. Some change jobs, quit school, stop going to church based on what they "feel". But in the battle of life you must CHOOSE. CHOOSE to love, CHOOSE to get up and fight for joy, CHOOSE to do what's right when everyone is doing wrong, CHOOSE to give thanks in the midst of...

Emotions have no intellect; they connect themselves to whatever thought is taking place. CHOOSE to reject negativity. I'm done. If everyone only did what they "felt" like doing, nothing would ever get done. Some get divorced cause they don't "feel" the love anymore. Some change jobs, quit school, stop going to church based on what they "feel". But in the battle of life you must CHOOSE. CHOOSE to love, CHOOSE to get up and fight for joy, CHOOSE to do what's right when everyone is doing wrong, CHOOSE to give thanks in the midst of... Emotions have no intellect; they connect themselves to whatever thought is taking place. CHOOSE to reject negativity. I'm done.
1357736596000 at 1357736596000