This is a scheduled post planned to be published at 1367217963000 at 1367217963000
I just got done reading The Spoon Theory by Christine Miserandino. I must say it's a very interesting story and it really opened my eyes to see how my friend Kelly goes through a lot of things in her life, that I don't have to do because I don't even think about the things I have to do, but yet she does and it really touched my heart because I think about her and anyone else who is chronically ill. My heart goes out to everyone who suffers from chronic illnesses. I wish I could understand more on their level, but I never truly will fully, but reading Christine's story my eyes have opened more and I'm on a level to where I get it more now than I did before. I will never know how it feels to be in my friend's shoes or anyone else's, but I can say that her and everyone else are beautiful and strong people. I admire you all so much. I think I'm going to stop and think about the things I do and don't take things for granted or get upset because I didn't get to do this or etc when other people don't even have the energy to do anything. Yet I'm over here being selfish for something stupid and yet my friend all she wants to do is have fun but she can't because she has to remind herself and her spoons. Life is precious and we all live once on earth, but we who aren't chronically ill need to step back and realize how good we have it in the life we are living. Anyways I just wanted to say this and speak a little about it because it touched me and if you wanna read it go to :) God bless all the amazing strong fighters out there! I just got done reading The Spoon Theory by Christine Miserandino. I must say it's a very interesting story and it really opened my eyes to see how my friend Kelly goes through a lot of things in her life, that I don't have to do because I don't even think about the things I have to do, but yet she does and it really touched my heart because I think about her and anyone else who is chronically ill. My heart goes out to everyone who suffers from chronic illnesses. I wish I could understand more on their level, but I never truly will fully, but reading Christine's story my eyes have opened more and I'm on a level to where I get it more now than I did before. I will never know how it feels to be in my friend's shoes or anyone else's, but I can say that her and everyone else are beautiful and strong people. I admire you all so much. I think I'm going to stop and think about the things I do and don't take things for granted or get upset because I didn't get to do this or etc when other people don't even have the energy to do anything. Yet I'm over here being selfish for something stupid and yet my friend all she wants to do is have fun but she can't because she has to remind herself and her spoons. Life is precious and we all live once on earth, but we who aren't chronically ill need to step back and realize how good we have it in the life we are living. Anyways I just wanted to say this and speak a little about it because it touched me and if you wanna read it go to :) God bless all the amazing strong fighters out there!
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